The author’s presentation of the material is somewhat gloomy
in nature, moreso I think than is warranted.
Technology and technological developments are a strong component of who
we are as a species, and the computer and the internet is, after all, just
another invention, though a monumentally important one. However, the author is correct in his
assertion that the internet (social networking in particular) is changing the
way in which we interact with one another, and not necessarily for the better. The internet is a dangerous place, especially
for youngsters and the technologically illiterate; trolls are just the surface
of the real threat.
As social studies educators, discussing the implications of
the changes brought on by internet and social networking on our daily lives has
intense relevance in the lives of our students.
Kids today have grown up with social networking, essentially hard-wired
into it, where in my high school days it was merely a new toy to fool around
with, and for older generations, a strange new thing without much utility at
all. Kids need to be asking themselves
how their lives would change without it, just as we all should be thinking
about what life would be like without the things we consider ‘essential.’
Beth, Alanna, and Becky raised the question of whether or
not technology has a negative effect on students’ creativity, critical thinking
skills, etc. I submit that, overall, it
does not. Technology actually allows
students to be more expressive and creative by giving them tools (iMovie, HTML,
and what have you) that they would not have had before. It also gives the less ‘traditionally’
artistic kids a way to create great works of art (people like me, who can’t
draw, paint, sculpt, or sing.) However,
technology can also make kids lazy – why do original research, for example,
when someone else has already done it for you and posted it on a university
website or Wikipedia or something? I
think that’s the greatest danger aside from exposing them to actual physical or
emotional harm.
Shawn, I agree with your statement that social media is a tool that kids are tuned into at almost all times and is something that we will all inevitably deal with as teachers. We will have to deal with students using social media in our classroom, even if we don't want them to. By understanding that social media is so popular, we have an opportunity to utilize it as teachers for educational benefits. Using twitter is useful for historical figures, like Matt showed us in Dr. Kumar's class. Also, I have been exposed to a website called edmoto, which looks exactly like facebook, but is for strictly educational purposes.